Your Message…..Your LEGACY

What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.



Yesterday, I had the most amazing experience while working with one of my clients in my Entrepreneur Authors Coaching Program. We spent many hours over Skype reviewing her book content, which flew by as if it were only flash. Her writings are beautiful, soulful scripts of lessons and observations on personal transformation, inner beauty, life and self discovery, the effects of bullying and finding strength to cope, and love for one’s self and for their deity, just to name a few.

As we read each script together, formulating titles and chapters, it became very clear that we also needed to include a chapter on “legacy”. What struck me though was the Author’s sense of urgency to complete her book project in the next few months. She is highly intuitive so when she commented to me that she felt she would be leaving this earth before this year ends, I took it very seriously.  Reading through her words it has become clear that the importance of this book is not at all about the Author wanting to promote herself or her business, and it’s certainly not about needing to be published to satisfy her egoic self. If this were the case, she certainly wouldn’t need to write a book since she already has a very successful spiritual practice and many thousands of followers on all the social media sites. No, it’s not about business or ego at all.

This book that I have the honor of producing and coaching her through is this Author’s LEGACY. Her mission is to document all of her writings, teachings, lessons, and divine experiences in a way that can reach those around the world who need to receive her message – now and when she has left us, and this world. These are her lived experiences that she is compelled to share and there are people waiting and needing to hear her messages.

So, what is YOUR MESSAGE? What is YOUR LEGACY?Legacy

You are unique and so is your lived experience. You have gone through some amazing transformation for a reason and that reason is to share your experience with the world. People are waiting to hear this message from YOU. So how will you reach out to these people who are waiting for you to communicate to them.

By writing your own eBook, you will have the ability to reach more people that you can help and whose lives you can touch. This is how you can share your knowledge or your gift with the world.

Here’s what I know – maybe you’ve gone through some life changing experience and come out the other side with an important message to share. Right?

Don’t wait until tomorrow, because tomorrow may never come. Don’t let your message be lost forever.

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