What I Learned From Danielle LaPorte

Last week I attended the Women In Biz Network (WIBN) Conference in Toronto.  I had the pleasure of meeting a number of brilliant, progressive women entrepreneurs who are leaving their mark on this world in a big, beautiful way. The highlight of the day for me was meeting the totally awesome Danielle LaPorte.

If you have never heard of Danielle, I suggest you get to know her SOON! She is all about creating and defining success on your own terms and even authored a bestselling book on this subject called “The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms” Here are a few of “a-ha” moments I got from listening to Danielle’s incredible wisdom:

Danielle LaPorte v2


“I no longer question my immediate awesomeness.”

“Burnout comes from zealously chasing goals. Stop zealously chasing goals – Feeling good is the goal. Create the feelings you want to feel”

“When you share, you serve.”


The overall theme of what Danielle was presenting was that we, as entrepreneurs, are constantly putting enormous amounts of pressure on ourselves to succeed. So much so that we can often burnout or come to resent our business over time. I learned a lot about myself at this event which I hope will help me to be a better business owner, a better joint venture partner, and a better person overall.

Danielle has a very interesting article on her blog called “You Are Going to Feel Guilty” that I highly recommend you check out. This is a little taste:

“You will experience guilt as you craft the life of your dreams. It’s part of your conscience, it’s the tension in “creative tension.”

You can read the full article here:   “You Are Going to Feel Guilty”

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