I’m blogging my next eBook right here!

Join in the fun! I decided to do something a little different with my next book. I’m going to blog it as I write it, so you can actually read it for free AND you get to play a role in its development too!

This is how it’s going to work:

Each week, I will post a new chapter on my website, right here at www.robbinsimons.com/onthego. Readers not only get to read the book as I write it, but can leave comments, suggestions etc.

When the book is finished, it will go through editing and then be self-published on Amazon.com I’m really excited about this! As all of you writers know, it’s so hard to wait to hear comments about your book. Now, I can get them along the way, so I can create a better finished product. And you can see it all unfold, and contribute to its development as it comes to life!

So, here are the details on the book:Book Butterfly

Category: Writing, Publishing, & Research, Marketing & Sales, Kindle Store
Length: Approximately 30,000 words
Title: No title yet!
Posting first chapter on Friday March 15, 2013


“eBook authoring is the quickest way to build credibility as a Speaker or Expert and has rapidly become the NEW COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE.

This eBook is all about understanding why you need an eBook as a professional Speaker, Coach, or Entrepreneur, and educating you on the differences between a standard eBook and one that is created to be a LEAD GENERATING, client-attracting eBook.”

Are you in???

Hope to see you here each week!!


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